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  • (9/10) My Video Ad Framework For Printing Cash

(9/10) My Video Ad Framework For Printing Cash

This is the video ad/VSL framework that has made millions online for my clients.

We’re going over Part 8 today.

  1. Headline/Claim

  2. Case Studies

  3. How It Works

  4. In-Depth Case Studies

  5. Steps Summary

  6. CTA + Offer

  7. Close Anchoring

  8. CTA + Offer

  9. Q&A

This will be a quick one…

Because you’ll be repeating the CTA + offer.

There’s one catch though.

You need to go much deeper on this second touchpoint.

You’re nearing the end of your video ad by this stage…

So everyone still watching is a pretty serious prospect.

It’s your job to restate the offer in a way that makes it nearly impossible to say no to.

That way, you can get the most out of your CTA to buy or book a call.

I won’t give you a specific template in this section…

But you need to put some emotion behind it.

Make sure the prospect feels how important this is.

Then we’re on to FAQs.

FAQs are actually really important, so don’t miss tomorrow’s email.

Hope that helps,

Austin Weatherhead | Founder of Zunesty


Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help your biz grow.

1. Skim through my protocol for explosive biz growth.
This is totally free. I documented the exact steps of our most successful clients with my ad agency over the years and my years as a freelance copywriter and marketer. This protocol works best for B2B folks, coaches, experts, and high-ticket companies. Check it out and share it - Click Here

2. Work with my advertising agency Zunesty.
If you have a B2B business, coaching/training company, or you’re an expert of any sort, we’ll dial in your copywriting, paid traffic, email, content, and more. Schedule a 15m demo call to see how it works - Click Here

3. Work with my AI & automation agency.
You’ll find this useful if you’re a data-rich company with a lot of moving pieces. We’ll build you a custom OpenAI GPT model (think chatbot on steroids) and we’ll automate company workflows to cut costs dramatically. Grab a 15m demo call spot - Click Here

P.S. I email a lot, and I try to make each email valuable. But if you want to only get my edition of The Growth Insider 1x per week, just hit reply and let me know. (: